The Azimuthal Equidistant (Polar Aspect) projection is neither an equal-area nor a conformal projection. The outer meridian of a hemisphere on the equatorial aspect is a circle. Parallels on the polar projection are circles spaced at equidistant intervals. All meridians on the polar aspect are straight lines. Distances and directions measured from the center are true.
The Azimuthal Equidistant (Polar Aspect) projection is used in the polar aspect for world maps and maps of the polar hemispheres.
The "PolarEquidistant" Projection has the following Parameters:
Parameter Name |
Parameter String |
Units |
Longitude of the Central Meridian |
central_meridian |
Latitude of the Origin of the Projection |
latitude_of_origin |
False Easting |
false_easting |
False Northing |
false_northing |