The Krovak Projection was created and used in Czechoslovakia in the early part of the 20th century. It is an oblique version of the Lambert Conformal Conic projections with a pseudo standard parallel that intersects the centerline of the projection at a defined azimuth. The projection accurately preserves scale and area along the pseudo standard parallel. It is primarily used in the Czech Republic.
The "Krovak" Projection has the following Parameters:
Parameter Name |
Parameter String |
Units |
Longitude of the Center of the Projection |
central_meridian |
Latitude of the Origin of the Projection |
latitude_of_origin |
Azimuth of the Center Line |
azimuth |
Latitude of Psuedo Standard Parallel |
latitude_of_true_scale |
Scale Factor on the Psuedo Standard Parallel |
scale_factor |
Double |
False Easting |
false_easting |
False Northing |
false_northing |