ProjectedCoordSys Constructor

WRAPPER_API ProjectedCoordSys()

WRAPPER_API ProjectedCoordSys(Projection::ClassType classType)

WRAPPER_API ProjectedCoordSys(const ProjectedCoordSys &source)



The ProjectedCoordSys constructor creates a new instance of the ProjectedCoordSys class.  There are four signatures for this constructor.

The default constructor takes no arguments and creates a ProjectedCoordSys that uses a Transverse Mercator Projection.  Once constructed, either the Datum or the InnerGeodetic property must be set, and It is furthermore necessary to set the Parameters used by the Projection before this ProjectedCoordSys will be ready to use.

The second constructor takes a single argument that specifies the ClassType of the Projection.  Once constructed, either the Datum or the InnerGeodetic property must be set, and It is furthermore necessary to set the Parameters used by the Projection before this ProjectedCoordSys will be ready to use.

The final constructor is a copy-constructor, which creates a ProjectedCoordSys with the same value as the ProjectedCoordSys passed as argument.