AddFloatItem Method

WRAPPER_API bool AddFloatItem(const BmgChar *name, bool optional = false)



The AddFloatItem method adds a new float parameter to the ParameterCollection.  The method takes two arguments, the first of which gives the name of the parameter.  The second argument is optional, and it indicates if the parameter is an optional or a required parameter.  The method returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation.  The value of the added parameter is 0.  This value can be set with the set_FloatItem method.



void ParameterCollection_AddFloatItem()


GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::ParameterCollection pc;


BmgChar * angularParName = L"AngularParameter";

GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::AngularValue angularVal;


pc.set_AngularItem(angularParName, angularVal);

GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::AngularValue * av = pc.get_AngularItem(angularParName);

delete av;


BmgChar * floatParName = L"FloatParameter";

double floatVal = 12.34;


pc.set_FloatItem(floatParName, floatVal);

floatVal = pc.get_FloatItem(floatParName);


BmgChar * intParName = L"IntegerParameter";

int intVal = 54;


pc.set_IntegerItem(intParName, intVal);

intVal = pc.get_IntegerItem(intParName);


BmgChar * linearParName = L"LinearParameter";

GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::LinearValue linearVal;


pc.set_LinearItem(linearParName, linearVal);

GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::LinearValue * lv = pc.get_LinearItem(linearParName);

delete lv;


BmgChar * stringParName = L"StringParameter";

BmgChar * stringVal = L"A Value";


pc.set_StringItem(stringParName, stringVal);

stringVal = const_cast<BmgChar *>(pc.get_StringItem(stringParName));
