get_InitialValue Method

WRAPPER_API const ObjectInfo* get_InitialValue() const



Gets the ObjectInfo that describes initial value of the object.  In the case that the change represents the addition of the object to the DataSource, this method will return NULL (0).



std::wstring TestForm::ObjectDetailsTowstring(const GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::ChangeDetail* detail)


std::wstring outStr = L"";

std::wstring objkIndentStr = kIndentStr + kIndentStr;

const GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::ObjectChangeDetail* objDetail = static_cast<const GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::ObjectChangeDetail*>(detail);


if (objDetail != NULL)


outStr += kIndentStr + kInitValueLabel;


if (objDetail->get_ChangeType() == GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::eChangeAdd)


outStr += kNoValue;




outStr += L"\n";

outStr += FormatObjectInfo(objDetail->get_InitialValue(), objkIndentStr);



outStr += L"\n" + kIndentStr + kFinalValueLabel;


if (objDetail->get_ChangeType() == GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::eChangeRemove)


outStr += kNoValue;




outStr += L"\n";

outStr += FormatObjectInfo(objDetail->get_FinalValue(), objkIndentStr);


outStr += L"\n";


return outStr;
