AddPoint Method

WRAPPER_API bool AddPoint(const CoordPoint &sourcePoint, const CoordPoint &targetPoint)



The AddPoint method adds a control point and an observed point to the list of points that will be used to Solve this MathTransform.  In order to Solve, there must be at least three pairs of control and observed points.  This method takes two arguments, the first of which is the control or source point, and the second of which is the observed or target point.  The method returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation.



void MathTransform_AddPoint(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::MathTransform & mt, GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::CoordPoint & controlPt, GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::CoordPoint & observedPt)


if(! mt.AddPoint(controlPt, observedPt))


AfxMessageBox("AddPoint failed");

