GetItemByIndex Method

WRAPPER_API void GetItemByIndex(long index, const BmgChar **issuer, const BmgChar **code) const



The GetItemByIndex method gets the identifier at the specified index in the IdentifierCollection.  The method takes three arguments, the first of which is the index of the desired identifier, and the second and third of which will hold the values of the corresponding issuer and code.  If the specified index does not correspond to an identifier, a GeoCalcException will be thrown with an ErrorCode specifying IndexOutOfRange.  The IdentifierCollection is a 0-based collection.



void IdentifierCollection_GetItemByIndex(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::IdentifierCollection & idc)


for(int i = 0; i < idc.get_Count(); i++)


const BmgChar * issuer;

const BmgChar * code;

idc.GetItemByIndex(i, &issuer, &code);

