ImportGMLObjectsFromIndicio Method

WRAPPER_API Serializable *ImportGMLObjectFromIndicio(const std::wstring &urn)

WRAPPER_API std::vector<const Serializable *> *ImportGMLObjectsFromIndicio(const std::vector<std::wstring> &urns)

WRAPPER_API std::vector<const Serializable *> *ImportGMLObjectsFromIndicio(const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> &urns)


Composes GeoCalc objects for all URNs in the specified collection.  Any previously-cached objects will be deleted prior to the read.  The URNs are contained in the collection's key values.

urls: The collection of URNs from which to retrieve the data.

Returns a collection of composed GeoCalc objects.



void ReadGMLObjects(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::DataSource &data, std::wstring &urn, int firstitem, int numberofitems)


std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> *urns;

std::vector<GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::Serializable *> *objects

urns = data->GetGMLObjectListFromIndicio(urn, firstitem, numberofitems);

objects = data->ImportGMLObjectsFromIndicio(urns);
