ImportCoordSysFromGeoTIFF Method

WRAPPER_API void ImportCoordSysFromGeoTIFF(

HorizontalCoordSys **horizontal, VerticalCoordSys **vertical,

const char *geoKeyBlock, size_t geoKeySize,

const char *doubleParamBlock, size_t doubleParamSize,

const char *asciiParamBlock, size_t asciiParamSize,

char terminator = 0);



The ImportCoordSysFromGeoTIFF method allows the user to create a HorizontalCoordSys (and potentially a VerticalCoordSys) instance from GeoTIFF tag data describing a coordinate system.  The geoKeyBlock argument contains the field data for the GeoTIFF GeoKey directory tag.  The doubleParamBlock argument contains the field data for the optional GeoTIFF double parameters tag.  The asciiParamBlock argument contains the field data for the optional GeoTIFF ASCII parameters tag.  The terminator argument is the character to use for separating strings in the ASCII parameters block.  If the data passed as arguments do not contain a valid GeoTIFF coordinate system definition, or a definition that cannot be parsed by GeoCalc, then a GeoCalcException will be thrown with a message string describing the error.