GetGMLObjectListFromIndicio Method

WRAPPER_API std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> *GetGMLObjectListFromIndicio(const std::wstring &urn, int start, int count)



Populates a collection with GML object names and their URN strings from data in the OGP's Indicio server, given an object type.  The URNs are contained in the collection's key values.

urn: The URN of the object type with which to populate the collection.

start: The record number in the Indicio server at which to start retrieving data. Records are indexed from 1.

count: The maximum number of records to return.

Returns a collection of object names and URNs.



void GetGMLObjects(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::DataSource &data, std::wstring &urn, int firstitem, int numberofitems)

std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> *urns;

urns = data->GetGMLObjectListFromIndicio(urn, firstitem, numberofitems);
