FindByEPSG Method

WRAPPER_API int FindByEPSG(const BmgChar* epsgCode, vector<const Serializable*>& matchingObjects) const



Retrieves a list of objects with the specified EPSG code (EPSG codes are not unique across all object types).



void DataSource_FindByEPSG(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::DataSource & data)


// Create a brand new AngularUnit and do not add it to the DataSource

AngularUnit* putAngularUnit = new AngularUnit();


putAngularUnit->get_Identifiers().Add(L"GC", L"TESTING");

putAngularUnit->get_Identifiers().Add(L"EPSG", L"TESTING");



// Export it to a file

std::list<GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::Serializable*> objectsToExport;

objectsToExport.push_back(m_DataSource->GetAngularUnit(L"GC", L"DEGREES"));


m_DataSource->ExportToSupplementaryFile(suppFilePath, objectsToExport);


// Import that file, adding any objects not already in the datasource to custom

m_DataSource->ImportFromSupplementaryFile(suppFilePath, true);


// The new AngularUnit should now be in the DataSource

vector<const Serializable*> matchingObj = m_DataSource->FindByEPSG(L"TESTING");

vector<const Serializable*>::const_iterator iter;

for (iter = matchingObj.begin(); iter != matchingObj.end(); iter++)


const Serializable* thisObj = *iter;

const BmgChar* thisName = thisObj->get_Name(); // Should be TESTING



// Clean up

for (iter = matchingObj.begin(); iter != matchingObj.end(); iter++)




