ExportCoordSysToStrings Method

WRAPPER_API bool ExportCoordSysToStrings(const HorizontalCoordSys &cs, BmgChar **csname, BmgChar **datumname, BmgChar **unitname)



The ExportCoordSysToStrings method produces the keys that would identify the specified HorizontalCoordSys in GeoCalc v5.x. The system key (csname) identifies the type of the HorizontalCoordSys, and, if applicable, the Projection used by the HorizontalCoordSys. The datum key (datumname) identifies the HorizontalDatum used by the HorizontalCoordSys. The units key (unitname) identifies the units used to express the location of CoordPoints in the HorizontalCoordSys. Not all HorizontalCoordSys objects can be represented as a set of GeoCalc v5.x keys, because more types of Projections are available in GeoCalc v6.x than were available in GeoCalc v5.x.  If the specified HorizontalCoordSys cannot be represented as a set of keys, then this method will return false.