ExportCoordSysToGeoTIFF Method

WRAPPER_API void ExportCoordSysToGeoTIFF( const HorizontalCoordSys *horizontal, const VerticalCoordSys *vertical,

char **geoKeyBlock, size_t &geoKeySize,

char **doubleParamBlock, size_t &doubleParamSize,

char **asciiParamBlock, size_t &asciiParamSize,

char terminator = 0);



The ExportCoordSysToGeoTIFF method produces the GeoTIFF field data describing the specified Horizontal and/or Vertical CoordSys.  The geoKeyBlock argument will contain the returned field data for the GeoTIFF GeoKey directory tag.  The doubleParamBlock argument will contain the returned field data for the optional GeoTIFF double parameters tag.  The asciiParamBlock argument will contain the returned field data for the optional GeoTIFF ASCII parameters tag.  The terminator argument is the character to use for separating strings in the ASCII parameters block.  If the passed coordinate system cannot be described by GeoTIFF data, then a GeoCalcException will be thrown with a message string describing the error.