set_Point Method

WRAPPER_API void set_Point(long index, const CoordPoint &value)

WRAPPER_API void set_Point(const BmgChar *name, const CoordPoint &value)



The set_Point method sets the value of the specified CoordPoint in this CoordPointCollection.  The CoordPoint to be set can be indicated by either its index within the collection or by its name.



void CoordPointCollection_setPoint(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::CoordPointCollection & cpc)


GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::CoordPoint * pt = cpc.get_PointStyle().CloneCoordPoint();

pt->set_InUnits(1, 2, 3);

if(cpc.get_Count() > 0)


long index = 0;

cpc.set_Point(index, *pt);

