!= Operator

WRAPPER_API bool operator!=(const [Type] &value) const


Above, [Type] is a placeholder for the class name of the objects to be compared.



Many classes in GeoCalc overload the != (not equal) operator.  The use of this operator will always produce the opposite result that the use of the ValueEquals method will produce.  

The following example shows how to use the != operator with the PrimeMeridian object, but the usage is the same for all objects.



void NotEqualOperator(GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::PrimeMeridian * pm1, GEOCALCPBW_NAMESPACE::PrimeMeridian * pm2)


if(*pm1 != *pm2)


// then *pm1 and *pm2 are not eqaul (ValueEquals(*pm1, *pm2) => false)

