CartesianPoint Constructor

WRAPPER_API CartesianPoint()

WRAPPER_API CartesianPoint(short dimensions)

WRAPPER_API CartesianPoint(double x, double y)

WRAPPER_API CartesianPoint(double x, double y, double z)

WRAPPER_API CartesianPoint(const CartesianPoint &source)



The CartesianPoint constructor creates a new instance of the CartesianPoint class.  There are five signatures for this constructor that allow the user to specify various aspects of the point.

The default constructor creates a three-dimensional point located at the origin of the system (0, 0, 0).  The LinearUnits used on each of the coordinates is meters.

The second constructor takes a single argument that specifies the number of dimensions.  A CartesianPoint can have either two or three dimensions.  A GeoCalcException will be thrown if a value other than 2 or 3 is passed to this constructor.  The resulting CartesianPoint will be located at the origin of the system and the LinearUnits used on each of the coordinates will be meters.

The third constructor takes two double value arguments that specify the X and Y coordinate values.  The resulting CartesianPoint will have two dimensions, and its location will be given by the coordinate values given as arguments.  The units of the arguments will be assumed to be meters, and the LinearUnits used on each of the coordinates will be meters.

The fourth constructor takes three double value arguments that specify the X, Y, and Z coordinate values.  The resulting CartesianPoint will have three dimensions, and its location will be given by the coordinate values given as arguments.  The units of the arguments will be assumed to be meters, and the LinearUnits used on each of the coordinates will be meters.

The final constructor is a copy-constructor.  It takes another CartesianPoint as argument and constructs a new CartesianPoint with the same value as the argument.