Top Five New Features in Geographic Calculator SP1
Written by: Chelsea E
New dropdown to easily access recently used files in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1.
In early June, we introduced the first service pack update of Geographic Calculator 2019. The new features and functions in this version of Blue Marble’s coordinate conversion software are designed to improve its user-friendliness, accessibility, and efficiency. Although some changes seem slight, such as easier access to recently opened files, they have a big impact on user’s productivity in the software.
Here is a list of the top five new features of Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1:
1. Support for Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS) format
Opening an ODS file in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1.
In Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1, we added support for the open-source table format Open Document Spreadsheets (ODS) to make Geographic Calculator more accessible to OpenOffice users.
2. Support for batch processing of Area Calculation jobs
Batch processing Area Calculation jobs in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1.
Before the 2019 service pack, users had to process Area Calculation jobs one by one. In Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1, we’ve added batch support for performing mass calculations for multiple area files.
3. Support for the new Equal Earth projection
The new Equal Earth projection in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1.
In 2018, Bojan Savic, Bernhard Jenny, and Tom Patterson invented the Equal Earth projection that is inspired by the Robinson projection but retains the relative size of areas. We’ve added this new projection to the long list of projections available in Geographic Calculator.
4. Bulk Export to WKT for coordinate systems
Bulk exporting coordinate systems together in one WKT file in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1.
Users can now bulk export multiple coordinate systems (or coordinate transformations) together in one WKT file in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1. This supports interoperability of data across platforms where coordinate systems may or may not be standardized. You can now manage your coordinate systems in Geographic Calculator, and then quickly export them to standardize the options in your other mapping packages for display and analysis.
5. Updates to the Project Manager
The new Project Manage in Geographic Calculator 2019 SP1 now shows the status of jobs.
The Project Manager in this service pack version has been updated to be the one-stop-shop for users to process and see the status of jobs in one location. In previous versions of Geographic Calculator, process status was located at the bottom of the interface, taking up screen space.
Over the past 26 years, Geographic Calculator has become an industry leader for accurate coordinate reference system and datum management. This most recent version of the software streamlines user accessibility with new batch and bulk export options, and the additional support for universal and open-source formats.
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