Geographic Calculator Cloud and Geographic Calculator 2025
Written by: Amanda Lind
The flagship product of Blue Marble Geographics, Geographic Calculator®, features an exciting update with the version 2025 release. The powerful coordinate conversion and transformation software known for its accuracy, is now available for point, point file, and vector data transformations via a browser interface. Unsurpassed in the fields of geodetic science and geomatic calculation, the desktop version of Geographic Calculator 2025 includes updates to its vast libraries, in addition to minor fixes, and is released alongside the new Geographic Calculator Cloud.
Interested in learning from our Geodesy experts about Geographic Calculator Cloud? What’s New With Geographic Calculator, the release webinar, will be available on our YouTube channel!
Geographic Calculator Cloud
Geographic Calculator Cloud, currently offered as an add-on to Geographic Calculator desktop, provides users with single point, point file, and vector file data conversions on any device with a web browser. Developed as a side-by-side with the desktop application, Geographic Calculator Cloud uses the same comprehensive suite of powerful coordinate conversion, datum transformation, and format translation tools. The new Geographic Calculator Cloud supersedes the existing GeoCalc Geodetic Online Registry (GCO) Library, Search and Calculator functions. GCO will continue to serve as the desktop online update REST service.
An active license for the desktop software will give you access to 100 free credits a month. This allotment of credits provides approximately 12-15 hours of cloud processing time, or up to 4 GB of data conversions. If you need to complete more transformations in Geographic Calculator Cloud, additional credits can also be purchased.
Cloud Enabled
More accessible than ever before, the geodetic toolset and search features familiar to licensed Geographic Calculator users can now be obtained through an internet browser. Search the geodetic Datasource and perform coordinate conversions and transformations on point, tabular (spreadsheet), or vector file data. The application and its Datasource are regularly updated and always current with the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset. Many libraries, tools, and expertise from recognized surveying associations are incorporated into the software, such as those from NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey and even those from NSRS modernization efforts that are currently in progress.
Geographic Calculator Cloud provides cloud processing to accommodate large vector data files, and access to cloud-stored vector data is also supported. Licensed customers need only to sign in to use the application, and a usage allocation may be shared among a team of users.
Point, Point File, and Vector Calculators
The cloud-based version of Geographic Calculator offers three conversion tools for point features, point files, and vector file features. These tools convert data from one coordinate system to another, with the option to perform a file translation at the same time, similar to tools in the desktop version. For a full step-by-step walkthrough of each tool and the search functions, check out this webinar from the Beta release of Calculator Cloud.’
Point Conversion: Similar to the Interactive Conversion Job in the Geographic Calculator desktop, Point Conversion operates on a single coordinate. This lightweight conversion is great for testing or validating data.
Point File Conversion: Used for converting an imported file of point features, like the desktop version’s Point Database Conversion job, a Point File Conversion displays a spreadsheet of the loaded file with options to add new columns for converted coordinates. For this job, coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. If the input is from local storage, the result is downloaded to your browser’s default downloads folder. If the input is from cloud storage, the output is returned to the same storage container.
Vector File Conversion: Similar to the Vector Data Conversion Job in the Geographic Calculator desktop, Vector File Conversion performs coordinates system conversions and file format translation upon many vector file formats. For local storage input, output is downloaded, and for cloud storage input, output is returned to the same cloud container.
Compatible Vector File Types for Vector Conversions in Geographic Calculator Cloud.
Datasource Search
Browse, explore, and learn more about coordinate systems, transformations, and other Datasource objects with the Geographic Calculator Cloud Search tool, while accessing the same expansive Datasource available in the desktop version. Use the Search tool with numerous filters such as name, code, location, and filter by object type to find specific definitions in the Datasource. The Datasource is cloud-hosted, so it is frequently updated with the latest EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset along with various national standards.
Additionally, Area Filtering options can limit search results based on location as a point or bounding box.
When browsing through the organized search results in Geographic Calculator Cloud, click on an object to see more information, such as the definition, identifiers, history, point style, area of use, Usages, and other information where applicable, such as the Horizontal Datum on which the coordinate system is based. Object definitions open in a new tab, allowing you to compare results. Additionally, the Search results include an Actions menu to View and Copy WKT/GML definitions to a text file for use externally.
Geographic Calculator Desktop
Geographic Calculator 2025 contains smaller updates and fixes requested by users and implemented to keep the program at the forefront of geodetic transformations across many industries. The Datasource that drives the coordinate systems and transformations in Geographic Calculator has been updated to match EPSG v 11.017, the latest available version at the time of release. Along with these updates, several new transformation methods have been added. Another improvement comes as a library update to the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning. This library has been upgraded to version 3.5 to support users performing HTDP transformations with ITRF2020.
Request a trial to try out the point, point file, and vector data conversion capabilities, or simply log in with your Blue Marble Geographics credentials if you are a current Geographic Calculator desktop user. If you have any questions, check out the Geographic Calculator Cloud knowledge base or email us at